Friday, May 27, 2016

BioSite Blog 1

In my group, we all had different ideas on how we'd proceed with the day that the students come to see our chickens. We decided to try an incorporate all of our ideas in our final presentation for the 4th graders. We all knew that it is hard to keep a group of 4th graders attention, so we tried to make it as fun as possible. I believe we all did a solid job at working together. We would start by introducing ourselves while trying to seem enthusiastic. Then we'd start by passing the talking ball ball around asking the kids what their name was and what they were most excited about to learn. Next we asked the children questions about chickens. The one's who got the questions right would get to pick out of a few foods to feed to the chickens. Some of the foods were meal worms, carrots, lettuce, and bread. We would tell them to use an open palm while feeding the chickens. After, anyone that did not get to feed the chickens would get the opportunity to do so. Once that was done, they would go in their journals to draw a picture of a chicken and write something they learned. If there was any time at the end, we would offer the chance for the kids to hold a chicken if they so desired. Overall, I believe our schedule was organized and fun.

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